
Medicine made with you in mind

If you’re frustrated that the dosage prescribed to you by your physician doesn’t seem strong enough, or you’re worried that it’s too strong, talk to us. If your medication isn’t meeting the formula, dosage or form that you require compounding is the answer.

Physicians often prescribe medications that require compounding. This means your pharmacist takes your commercially available drug and turns it into an alternate dosage form. Compounded medication is often used for infants, people with allergies or those who are unable to swallow tablets or capsules. It also works for animals. We offer ob gyn, pediatric and veterinary medication compounding.

All pharmacists are able to compound by virtue of their license; however, many choose not to because of inadequate staff, time or materials. At Wake Forest Drug, Debbie and Bryan have received extra training in compounding through Gallipot.

Find out more about compounding